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Friday, December 4, 2015

Khutbat Juma'ah, Friday Sermon `Aspiration and sincerity in the worship of Allah - Sheikh Ishaq

Khutbat Jummat {Aspirations and sincerity in the worship of Allah.} What is your aspiration in this Torikat of ours, is it for Allàh in Allàh or for the benefit of hereafter or for the benefit of this world,which group did you belong to. Sheik Muhammad Al Misry said:Aspiration is of 3 types:Zeal{Himmah} Care {Ihtimam} and Worry{Hammah} whatever is for Allàh {swt} and in Allàh is Zeal,whatever is for the hereafter is Care,and whatever is for this world is worry. The effects of Zeal are secrets,the remnant of care is lights,the left over of worries are darkness and that which is other than Allàh. Check yourself so as to ascertain which of these 3 group you chose your aspirations to belong to.{Sheik Misry} Said the poet:-The man is only where he places Himself " My co spiritual traveller toward Allàh if your aspiration is for this world you will gain nothing but worry and darkness,and the end goal is been a loser here and hereafter.why don't we chose our aspiration for Allàh which is the best thing to do.which amount to sincereity in worshiping Allah, that is anything you do is from Allàh to Allàh and in Allàh. "And they were not commanded except to worship Allàh,being sincere to Him in religion" (Q98:5) However maolana shoibu L wakti and the hope of the veiled,Sheik L Islam Alhaji Ibrahim Niass RA said:-The meaning of True sincereity is the expelling out of the hearts the thought of other than Allàh.Hence if a servant carries out any work and thinks that the efforts is from Him to Allàh,there is a misnormal in that,but if He works knowing fully well that such is from Allàh to Allàh in Allàh, such a person is the sincere one to Allàh. JUMMAT mubaraq Hummat Rasool wà Ahalu L faedat Tijaniyat Ibrahimiyat Jaafariyat. This Article is sponsored and written by Sheikh Ishaq.

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